With a certain global setting enabled, when you open a patient's Chart record, the Medical History Review dialog box appears automatically so you can complete a review of the patient's medical history prior to starting any clinical procedures. Also, a Medical History Review button is available in several modules so you can complete and update medical history reviews.
To review medical history
Do one of the following:
If a review has not been saved for a patient today, to start a medical history review automatically, do one of the following:
If Chart is not open, in Windows, do the following:
Double-click the Patient Chart shortcut icon on the desktop, or click the Chart option on the Windows Start menu.
In Chart, select the correct patient.
With the correct patient selected in Ledger or Family File, do one of the following:
the Patient Chart button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, point to Switch To, and then click Chart.
With the correct patient selected in Treatment Planner or Document Center, do one of the following:
the Patient Chart button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, point to Switch To, and then click Patient Chart.
With the correct patient's appointment selected in Appointment Book, do one of the following:
the Patient Chart button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, point to Switch To, and then click Chart.
Note: While you have a patient's appointment selected, you may want to take the opportunity to update the appointment status (for instance, to indicate that the patient is seated in the dental chair) before opening Chart.
Right-click the correct patient's appointment in Appointment Book, and then click Chart.
With the correct guarantor selected in Collections Manager, do one of the following:
the Patient Chart button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, click Chart.
With the
correct patient selected in More
Information, click the Patient
Chart button
on the toolbar.
If Chart is not open, or if it is open but without a patient selected, in Office Manager, do the following:
Do one of the following:
the Patient Chart button on the toolbar.
On the File menu, click Chart.
In Chart, select the correct patient.
If Chart is not open, or if it is open but without a patient selected, in DXOne Reporting, do the following:
Click the Patient
Chart button
on the toolbar.
In Chart, select the correct patient.
In Chart, if a patient is not selected, select the correct patient.
In Chart, if the wrong patient is selected, select the correct patient.
If you canceled a medical history review for a patient earlier today, or if you need to update a medical history review for a patient that was saved today, to start or update a medical history review manually, do one of the following:
With the
correct patient selected in More
Information or Patient
Prescription, click the Medical
History Review button
on the toolbar.
Without a patient selected in Family File, do the following:
Click the Medical
History Review button on the toolbar.
Without a patient selected in Chart, or in Office Manager, do the following:
Do one of the following:
the Medical History Review button
on the toolbar.
On the File menu, click Medical History Review.
The Medical History Review dialog box appears.
Note: To not perform a medical history review for the patient at this time, click Cancel. Otherwise, complete the following steps.
Under Smoking Status, change the patient's smoking status if applicable.
Look at the patient's problems, allergies, and medications (PAM) at the top. To specify if there has been or not been a change in any of those since the patient's last visit, under Since Last Visit, select either Change or No Change next to Medical Alerts/Problems, Medications, and Allergies.
Note: If the patient's medical history has never been reviewed, none of the three PAM options have Change or No Change selected, and you do not have to select Change or No Change for any of those to save the medical history review. Otherwise, you must select Change or No change for all three.
To enter the patient's vitals as part of a patient health assessment, next to Patient Health Assessment, click Open. You can also view, delete, edit, or print existing patient health assessments entered for the patient.
Under Medical Alert Review, specify if you have reviewed the patient's medical alerts.
Under Pain Level, specify the patient's pain level (according to the selected scale):
From the Pain Scale Type list, select one of the following options: Numeric Pain Scale, Infant Pain Scale (FLACC), Faces Pain Scale, Observational Pain Scale (OPS), Cognitively Impaired Pain Scale (FLACCr), or CRIES Pain Scale.
Do one of the following:
For the numeric, infant (FLACC), faces, or observational scale, drag the slider to the correct number.
For the cognitively-impaired (FLACCr) or CRIES scale, select an option for Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, and/or Consolability as applicable.
In the Description box, enter notes to describe the pain.
To specify information about the patient and have Dentrix Enterprise calculate a Falls Risk Score, under Falls Risk Score, select an option for Age, Gender, Diagnosis, Cognitive Impairments, Environmental Factors, Medication Usage, and Protocol Observed.
Note: For the score to be calculated, you must make a selection, other than "Empty," for all the risk assessment options, except Protocol Observed.
the ENC# box is available (a certain
global setting must be enabled),
enter an encounter number (numeric or alphanumeric, depending on a certain
global setting), or click the search button to select
it (if the appropriate global setting is enabled). Also, depending upon
a certain global setting, the number may have to be unique for each patient,
for each day, or for each patient per day.
Click OK.
Note: This button is available only if Change or No Change is selected for all three items under Since Last Visit, or if Change or No Change is not selected for any of them because the patient's medical history has never been reviewed.
If Change was selected for any item under Since Last Visit, the Medical Alerts opens automatically, so you can assign the applicable medical alerts to the patient's record.
Note: If you return to the medical history review after Medical Alerts opens automatically, Dentrix Enterprise can help prevent information from not being entered or saved:
If you close Medical Alerts without making or saving any changes, a confirmation message appears.
Clicking OK closes the medical history review without changes.
Clicking Cancel returns you to the medical history review.
If you leave Medical Alerts open without making or saving any changes:
With at least one of the Change options selected for problems, allergies, and medications, if you cancel the review without making any changes, a confirmation message appears.
Clicking OK closes the medical history review without changes. You can close Medical Alerts or access a different patient's medical alerts as needed.
Clicking Cancel returns you to the medical history review.
With at least one of the Change options selected for problems, allergies, and medications, if you re-save the review, you are returned to Medical Alerts to update the patient's problems, allergies, and/or medications.
With all the No Change options selected for problems, allergies, and medications, if you cancel the review after making the change, a confirmation message appears.
Clicking OK closes the medical history review without changes. You can close Medical Alerts or access a different patient's medical alerts as needed.
Clicking Cancel returns you to the medical history review.
With all the No Change options selected for problems, allergies, and medications, if you re-save the review after making the change, the medical history review closes. You can close Medical Alerts or access a different patient's medical alerts as needed.